Take Charge of Your Health


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SKU: RK-QK21-FQWH Category:


If Your Future’s Not What it Used to Be,Why Not Get a New One!

Take Bob Anderson, age 66. Before, he couldn’t even walk to his mailbox. Afterward, he traveled 300 miles to his doctor’s appointment over the Rockies-on a bicycle. For an encore, he bicycled 3,000 miles across Canada.

What made the difference? The principles in this book. Ludington and Diehl show, in case after case, that health derelicts can become dynamos by simplifying their diet, eating unrefined foods, using natural remedies such as hot and cold water treatments, and exercising. Through powerfully motivating stories of changed lives the authors convey the rules for vibrant health, as well as how to shed bitterness, find new peace of mind, and recover a close connection with God.


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